Why Corporate Matches Matter
What does Boston Scientific Corporation, McKinsey & Company, Medtronic and Google have in common? They are all corporations who matched their employee’s donations to One Heart Health! If you have already given a donation to One Heart Health this year –…
Make a Stock Donation
One Heart Health benefits by selling the stock, without paying taxes on the gain, and you benefit by giving a substantial gift without feeling the familiar pinch to your wallet. By giving appreciated securities that you’ve held for more than…
One Heart Health Founder Discusses Bridging the Healthcare Gap
On September 2, 2020, One Heart Health Founder Quan Ni presented as part of the Solutions Spotlight. The hour-long webinar was produced by the Minnesota International NGO Network. The series purpose is to put a spotlight on innovative Minnesota nonprofits…
Check Out Our New Video
One Heart Health has a new professional video explaining its smart-phone telemedicine system. This short video clocks in at a little over a minute and gives a succinct explanation of One Heart Health’s work and mission. Many thanks to Susan Bordson…
Medicine is Not Colorblind
Racial Disparities in Congenital Heart Disease Outcomes One Heart Health supports the Black Lives Matter movement and is committed to internal efforts to better understand, include, and support Black lives in our work. Below, One Heart Health Board Member Bistra Zheleva…
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