
Why Corporate Matches Matter

What does Boston Scientific Corporation, McKinsey & Company, Medtronic and Google have in common? They are all corporations who matched their employee’s donations to One Heart Health! 

If you have already given a donation to One Heart Health this year – thank you! One valuable way that donors can double (or sometimes even triple!) their impact is to pursue a corporate match on that very same gift. In all seriousness, corporate matches are historically quite important to One Heart Health’s bottom line.

Companies of all sizes match donations their employees make to nonprofits like One Heart Health because it’s an efficient and straightforward way to build relationships with charities that matter to their employees. In fact, future corporate giving decisions are often influenced by their own employees’s history of past giving, including corporate matches.

If you haven’t pursued obtaining a corporate match for your charitable donations in the past, you might be surprised at how easy it is. Simply bring your donation acknowledgment letter (or write us at and we’ll re-send it to you) to your HR representative and ask if your organization participates in a matching program. Usually the donation amount, date of gift, nonprofit tax ID code and postal address of One Heart Health – all of which are included in the donation acknowledgment letter – are all you need. From there your company takes over, and a matching donation check is sent to our organization.

If you work from home you might find that corporate matching programs are now automated online by your employer and can be reached from your internal corporate home page. A few minutes of searching for “corporate match”, and a quick online form, could lead to a huge impact for One Heart Health!

Donate to One Heart Health today.