
Make a Stock Donation

One Heart Health benefits by selling the stock, without paying taxes on the gain, and you benefit by giving a substantial gift without feeling the familiar pinch to your wallet.

By giving appreciated securities that you’ve held for more than a year to One Heart Health, you receive a variety of additional tax benefits including:

  • You can avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation that would be due upon sale. 
  • You can receive a charitable income tax deduction for the current fair market value of the stock – up to 30% of adjusted gross income. 
  • You can carry forward any unclaimed portion of the deduction for up to five additional years, subject to annual limits.

With the stock market returning to its high levels, many of us have strong stock portfolios that provide us with a unique opportunity to really make a difference with our charitable giving.

Please contact One Heart Health to receive our account information to share with your broker.  Write us at to learn more about making a stock donation today.