
A New Year Message from One Heart Health

Dear All,

As we close 2017, I am impressed by the accomplishments of our small team of volunteers, who are willing to devote time, energy and resources to ensure that “Every child with heart disease gets a chance to live a healthy life.” Drs. Matt Ambrose and Lee Pyles led us in our first grant application with an award from the Pediatric Device Innovation Consortium at the University of Minnesota. As a result of this grant, we have developed a full set of software requirements for One Heart Mobile Health Application that supports Android Smartphones. Weiguang and his software team are working on new software updates that will be released in Q1 2018.

We officially launched One Heart Health, a nonprofit corporation in the state of Minnesota in 2017. Since then, we have established our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. We are grateful for our inaugural board of directors, Judy Walker and Mudit Jain, who will serve with me to provide governance for our organization.

Kent Lee built our organization a beautiful new website, It is fully integrated with a donation and mailing service that will allow us to connect with our communities and create awareness of our mission. Kent will lead our efforts to develop a digital marketing strategy for outreach and community building.

We are so grateful to have had Kathleen Jiang join us at the end of the year. Kathleen led a very successful 2017 holiday fundraiser for family and friends, and together we raised $6,000. Our grants and donations will be essential to accomplish our goals in 2018.

We are in close collaboration with two hospital sites in China to start congenital heart disease screening programs in rural China in 2018. These screening projects will serve as pilots for us to assess the feasibility of our telemedicine model as a part of the solution to improve access to high-quality CHD screening in rural and low-income parts of the world. Most importantly, we will have a direct impact on providing CHD screening for many children in rural China in 2018.

Finally, I want to thank all our donors and supporters. Our mission to improve access to quality care for children who are born with congenital heart diseases in low resource parts of the world cannot be accomplished without your generous support. I wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2018.

Quan Ni, PhD
One Heart Health Executive Director